It’s a common question – Is it possible to apply a fake tan on the day of an event? Indeed, the answer is affirmative, but there are several important considerations to bear in mind.

First, ensure enough time to apply the fake tan evenly and smoothly. You’re more likely to have streaks or an uneven application if rushed.

Secondly, remember that a fake tan can take a few hours to develop fully. So if you’re applying it the day of an event, ensure you do it early enough that it has time to set.

Lastly, be sure to exfoliate your skin before applying fake tan. Doing this will provide a smooth surface for the fake tan to stick to effectively.

Overall, it is possible to fake tan the day of an event – just be sure to give yourself enough time and prep your skin correctly beforehand!

When Should You Apply Fake Tan To An Event?

 When Should You Apply Fake Tan To An Event?The right timing is essential when you’re trying to fake a sunny glow. You don’t want to apply your fake tan too early and end up with an uneven, patchy finish, but you also want to ensure you get your tan on before your big event.

To ensure a flawless fake tan on the day of an event, follow this quick guide:

If I am in a hurry, What do you recommend?

If you’re short on time, you can apply your fake tan on the day of an event. Just make sure to give yourself enough time to let the tan develop appropriately before you need to leave. We recommend applying your fake tan at least 2 hours before your event.

How long will my fake tan last, on average?

On average, a fake tan lasts about 3-5 days. However, this will vary depending on how well you care for your skin. To prolong your tan, avoid hot showers and baths, and moisturize your skin regularly.

Recommendations for Extending the Life of a Spray Tan

When getting a perfect, natural-looking tan, there’s no better option than a spray tan. But even the best spray tans can only last so long – usually around five to seven days. If you’re looking to prolong the life of your spray tan, there are a few simple tips and tricks you can follow.

Avoid water and sweating as much as possible.

This may seem obvious, but it’s worth repeating – the more water and sweat your skin comes into contact with, the faster your spray tan will fade. So, if you can, avoid swimming, sweating, and showering for as long as possible. If you must pour, use mild soap and avoid scrubbing your skin too vigorously.


One of the best ways to prolong the life of your spray tan is to keep your skin hydrated. Moisturize twice daily using a lotion or cream designed explicitly for spray-tanned skin. This will help replenish the moisture lost every time you shower or sweat.

Exfoliate before your spray tan.

This will make a smooth surface for your tan by removing dead skin cells.

Ensure not to scrub your skin after getting a spray tan, as it can make the tan fade faster.

Wear loose, breathable clothing.

Tight clothing can rub off your spray tan. The most excellent dress is one composed of natural fibers, like cotton.

Be careful with products.

Avoid using oils, perfumes, or deodorants on your skin, as these can all affect your spray tan.

Using these easy tips, you can get a fake tan for an event and make it look natural and last long.

How long will the effects of my spray tan last?

How long will the effects of my spray tan last?

The duration of a spray tan can range between 3 to 10 days. The key to making your spray tan last is to properly care for your skin both before and after your spray tan.

Before Your Spray Tan

Before you get a spray tan, it is essential to exfoliate your skin. Doing this eliminates dead skin cells that might make your spray tan wear off faster. It’s also advisable to refrain from applying oils or moisturizers to your skin before your spray tan, as these can accelerate the fading of the tan. It’s also advisable to refrain from using oils or moisturizers on your skin before your spray tan, as these can accelerate the fading of the tan.

After Your Spray Tan

Following your spray tan, it’s recommended to abstain from showering or swimming for a minimum of 8 hours. This will give the tan time to set correctly. Don’t use soap or scrub too hard when you are showering, as it can make the tango away faster.

To help your spray tan last as long as possible, moisturize your skin regularly. Doing this keeps your skin moist and stops the tan from disappearing fast.

Final Thought

The summer months are the ideal time to display your golden skin. But if you’re like me, you might scramble to get a tan before an upcoming event. Is it possible to apply a fake tan on the day of an event?

The short answer is yes, and applying a fake tan on the day of an event is possible. However, remember a few things to ensure your tan looks its best.

First, exfoliate your skin before applying self-tanner. This will make it easier for the tanner to produce a smooth, even canvas.

Next, make sure to apply the self-tanner evenly. For assistance, put on a tanning mitt or glove.

Finally, give yourself ample time to let the self-tanner dry before getting dressed for your event. I like to apply self-tanner in the morning and then let it dry while I prepare for my day.

Following these tips, you can fake a tan on the day of an event and end up with a beautiful, natural-looking tan.

For More Information About Self Tanning Click Here