Can tanning beds cause hair loss? This question often arises, but it’s important to clarify that no scientific evidence supports the claim that tanning beds can lead to hair loss. Contrary to common belief, there is no established link between hair loss and any form of ultraviolet light, including the UV rays emitted from a tanning bed.

Several factors can cause hair loss, including genetics, certain medications, and medical conditions. However, none of these have been linked to tanning beds.

Some people may experience temporary hair loss after spending time in a tanning bed. This is typically due to the heat of the bed, which can cause the hair shaft to expand and break. This hair loss is usually temporary and will resolve once the hair shaft cools down.

If you are concerned about hair loss, there are several treatments available. However, it’s essential to know that tanning beds can cause hair loss. Talk to your doctor about your options and find the best action.

Risks And Potential Harm Of Tanning Bed

Most people know the risks associated with tanning beds, including an increased risk of skin cancer. However, there are other risks and potential harms associated with tanning beds that are often overlooked. Here, we will discuss some risks and potential harms of tanning beds, including hair loss.

Tanning beds emit ultraviolet (UV) radiation, damaging the skin and leading to skin cancer. UV radiation is also a known cause of hair loss. One study discovered that women under 40 had a roughly threefold greater risk of hair loss when exposed to UV radiation from tanning beds.

Hair Protection Tips While Using Tanning Beds

Tanning is a great way to get a beautiful, golden tan. But did you know that tanning beds can cause hair loss? That’s right, and tanning beds can contribute to hair loss.


So, how can you protect your hair while you’re tanning? Here are a few tips:

  1. Wear a cap or headscarf.
  2. This will help to protect your hair from the direct heat of the tanning bed.
  3. Apply a heat protectant.
  4. Before entering the tanning bed, apply a heat protectant to your hair. This will help to keep your hair healthy and prevent it from being damaged by heat.
  5.  Only spend a little bit of time in the tanning bed.

You may be tempted to stay in the tanning bed for a long time to get a deeper tan. However, this is not good for your hair. The longer you stay in the tanning bed, the more damage you do to your hair. So, set a timer and leave the tanning bed when it goes off.

These are just a few tips to help you protect your hair while you’re tanning.

Hair Treatments To Repair Damage Caused By Tanning Beds

When it comes to hair loss, there are many possible causes. One potential cause is exposure to UV radiation from tanning beds. This type of exposure can cause damage to the hair follicles, which can lead to hair loss.

There is no definitive answer as to whether or not tanning beds can cause hair loss. Some studies have found a correlation between the two, while others have not. The jury is still out on this one.

If you are concerned about the possibility of hair loss from tanning beds, there are some things you can do to protect your hair.

First, wear sunscreen on your hair in the sun or on a tanning bed. This will help in protecting your hair from damaging UV rays.

Secondly, limit your exposure to UV rays as much as possible. If you must use a tanning bed, do so sparingly and use one approved by the FDA.

Third, if you are experiencing hair loss, some hair treatments can help to repair the damage caused by tanning beds. These treatments can help to strengthen the hair follicles and promote new hair growth.


There is no definitive answer to whether or not tanning beds can cause hair loss. However, utilizing them comes with a few dangers and significant side effects that could result in hair loss. Additionally, you can follow some hair protection tips to help reduce the risk of hair loss while using tanning beds. Finally, if you do experience hair loss from using a tanning bed, some hair treatments can help repair the damage.