Tanning beds have become famous for achieving a sun-kissed glow, especially when the natural sun is not readily available. However, the question “Do you wear clothes on a tanning bed?” remains a topic of discussion and confusion.

While personal preferences vary, understanding the pros and cons of both options can help individuals make an informed decision.

Do You Wear Clothes On A Tanning Bed? In 2024

Whether to wear clothes in a tanning bed is ultimately up to the individual. Some people prefer to tan without clothes to achieve an even tan and minimize tan lines. In contrast, others wear minimal clothing or specialized tanning attire for comfort, modesty, and protection from UV rays.

The Best Type Of Shirt To Wear In A Tanning Bed:

When considering the best type of shirt to wear in a tanning bed, there are a few key factors: comfort, coverage, material, and tan line prevention. While some people choose to tan without clothing to achieve an even tan, wearing a shirt can offer protection and reduce the risk of overexposure to UV rays.

Here are some options to consider:

  1. Tanning Bed Specific Attire: Many tanning salons offer specific tanning attire designed to cover particular areas while allowing for optimal tanning. These garments are typically made from lightweight, breathable materials resistant to UV rays. They are designed to minimize tan lines and ensure even tanning.
  2. Dark-Colored, Loose-Fitting T-Shirt: If tanning in your shirt, opt for a dark-colored, loose-fitting shirt made from lightweight, breathable fabric. Dark colors can help absorb more UV rays and promote a deeper tan. Loose-fitting shirts prevent excessive friction on the skin, which can lead to discomfort or uneven tanning.
  3. UV-Protective Clothing: Some clothing brands offer UV-protective garments designed to block a significant portion of UV rays. These shirts can provide an added layer of protection to reduce the risk of sunburn and long-term skin damage.
  4. Cotton or Linen Shirts: Natural fabrics like cotton or linen can be good options for tanning bed attire. They are breathable and can help reduce the risk of overheating. However, remember that these fabrics may provide less UV protection than specialized tanning attire.
  5. Long-Sleeve Rash Guard: If you’re concerned about protecting your arms and shoulders, a long-sleeve rash guard, commonly used in water sports, can be a suitable choice. Rash guards are often made from UV-resistant materials and can offer good coverage.

Do You Wear Clothes In A Stand Up Tanning Bed?

When using a stand-up tanning bed, choosing whether to wear clothes is still a matter of personal preference. Stand-up tanning beds, also known as vertical tanning booths, offer an alternative to traditional horizontal tanning beds. Here are some considerations regarding clothing in stand-up tanning beds:

  1. Nude Tanning: Like conventional tanning beds, some individuals tan nude in stand-up booths. This approach allows for even tanning and helps minimize tan lines, like tanning in a horizontal bed.
  2. Minimal Clothing: Many wear minimal clothing, such as swimsuits or underwear, while using a stand-up tanning bed. This choice provides coverage and helps prevent direct skin-to-surface contact, maintaining hygiene.
  3. Tanning Attire: Similar to horizontal beds, some tanning salons offer specialized tanning attire that you can wear in stand-up beds. These garments are designed to cover specific areas while allowing UV rays to penetrate, ensuring an even tan.
  4. Dark-Colored Loose Clothing: Consider a dark-colored, loose-fitting outfit if you prefer to wear clothing. Dark colors can help absorb more UV rays for a deeper tan, and loose-fitting clothing reduces friction on the skin.
  5. Hygiene Considerations: Regardless of your clothing choice, using a clean towel or tanning mat is essential to maintain hygiene and prevent the spread of germs in the tanning booth.

What Should You Not Do In A Tanning Bed?

Using a tanning bed involves critical considerations for your safety and skin health. Here’s a list of things you should not do in a tanning bed:

  1. Overexposure: Do not exceed the recommended tanning session duration. Overexposure to UV radiation can lead to sunburn, premature aging, and an increased risk of skin cancer.
  2. Tanning Too Often: Avoid tanning sessions that are too frequent. Giving your skin time to recover between sessions is essential to prevent damage.
  3. Removing Protective Eyewear: Always wear the protective eyewear provided by the tanning salon. UV rays can harm your eyes and even lead to severe conditions like cataracts.
  4. Using Oils and Lotions: Avoid using oils, lotions, or cosmetics not explicitly designed for tanning beds. These products can interfere with the tanning process and damage the equipment.
  5. Tanning Under the Influence: Do not use tanning beds if you are under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or medications that might increase sensitivity to UV radiation.
  6. Using Tanning Beds if Underage: Many regions have age restrictions for tanning bed use due to the risks involved. Avoid tanning if you are underage, according to local regulations.
  7. Tanning with Certain Medical Conditions: If you have a history of skin cancer or certain skin conditions or are taking medications that increase photosensitivity, consult a medical professional before using a tanning bed.
  8. Neglecting Hygiene: Always use a clean towel or tanning mat and wipe down the tanning bed before and after use to maintain hygiene and prevent the spread of germs.
  9. Tanning in Extreme Heat: Avoid tanning in scorching conditions or if you have a fever. Heat can intensify the effects of UV radiation on your skin.
  10. Ignoring Skin Changes: If you notice any unusual changes in your skin, such as new moles, changes in existing moles, or other abnormalities, consult a dermatologist promptly.
  11. Tanning While Pregnant: It’s generally recommended to avoid tanning beds while pregnant due to potential risks to both the mother and the developing fetus.
  12. Tanning Without SPF: Tanning beds emit UV radiation, which can damage your skin just like natural sunlight. Applying sunscreen with appropriate SPF to any exposed skin is recommended for tanning.
Do you wear clothes on a tanning bed? 2023 [ Best Results]

Do you wear clothes on a tanning bed? 2024 [ Best Results]

In 2024, whether to wear clothes in a tanning bed for the best results remains a matter of personal preference and tanning goals. Both options, tanning with or without clothes, have advantages and considerations.

Tanning Without Clothes:

Tanning without clothes allows for even more exposure to UV rays, resulting in a potentially more uniform tan. Without the barrier of clothing, UV rays can reach the skin more directly, helping to minimize tan lines and achieve a seamless glow.

Additionally, tanning in the nude can stimulate vitamin D production in the skin, which plays a crucial role in various bodily functions.

Tanning With Clothes:

Some individuals prefer minimal clothing, such as swimsuits or underwear, during tanning sessions. This choice provides comfort, modesty, and protection from direct UV exposure. Wearing specialized tanning attire or dark-colored, loose-fitting clothing can also be effective options.

Wearing clothes can help shield sensitive areas from excessive UV radiation, reducing the risk of sunburn and long-term skin damage. If your primary concern is preventing sunburn or maintaining modesty, tanning with clothing might be your preferred choice.

Ultimately, the best results depend on your personal preferences and objectives.

Appropriate Clothing For A Tanning Bed:

Appropriate clothing for a tanning bed should provide a balance between allowing UV rays to reach your skin for tanning purposes while also offering protection and comfort. Here are some clothing options to consider when using a tanning bed:

  1. Clean Towel or Mat: Place a clean towel or tanning mat on the tanning bed to ensure cleanliness and hygiene during your session. This is especially important if you choose to tan without clothing.
  2. Rash Guards or UV-Protective Clothing: These garments are designed to block a significant portion of UV rays. They provide an added layer of protection while allowing you to achieve a tan on exposed areas.
  3. Swimsuits or Underwear: Wearing a swimsuit or underwear is a common choice for tanning bed users. Opt for minimal coverage to ensure that more of your skin is exposed to UV rays. Dark-colored swimsuits can help absorb more UV radiation and promote a deeper tan.
  4. Dark-Colored Swimsuit: A dark-colored swimsuit can help absorb more UV rays and promote a deeper tan. Opt for a swimsuit that covers the areas you want to protect while allowing exposure to other places.

Remember These Key Points:

  • Always wear protective eyewear the tanning salon provides to shield your eyes from UV rays.
  • Follow the recommended tanning session duration to avoid overexposure.
  • Prioritize skin health and safety, overachieving a deep tan.
  • If you need help deciding what to wear, consult the staff at the tanning salon for guidance.

What To Bring To A Tanning Salon?

When visiting a tanning salon, it’s essential to be prepared and bring the necessary items to ensure a comfortable and enjoyable experience. Here’s a list of things to consider getting with you to a tanning salon:

  1. Appropriate Clothing: Depending on your tanning preferences, bring appropriate clothing such as a swimsuit, tanning attire, or loose-fitting clothing. Ensure your clothing choice allows you to achieve your desired tan while maintaining comfort and modesty.
  2. Protective Eyewear: Most tanning salons require or provide protective eyewear to shield your eyes from UV radiation. If you have your pair, bringing them along is a good idea.
  3. Towel or Tanning Mat: Bring a clean towel or mat to place on the tanning bed. This helps maintain hygiene and offers a barrier between your body and the equipment.
  4. Hygiene Stickers or Cloth Barriers: If you want to protect sensitive areas like nipples or tattoos, bring hygiene stickers or cloth barriers to use during your tanning session.
  5. Sunscreen: If you have any areas of your skin that you want to protect from UV exposure, consider bringing sunscreen with an appropriate SPF for touch-up application.
  6. Skin Care Products: You should moisturize your skin after tanning. Bring your preferred after-tan lotion or moisturizer to apply after your session.
  7. Lip Balm: UV rays can also affect your lips. Bring lip balm with SPF to keep your lips moisturized and protected.
  8. Water Bottle: Staying hydrated is essential, especially when exposed to heat. Bring a water bottle to hydrate yourself before and after your tanning session.

Choosing A Tanning Salon And Bed Type?

Choosing a tanning salon and bed type requires careful consideration to ensure a safe and enjoyable tanning experience. Here are some factors to keep in mind:

Choosing A Tanning Salon:

  1. Location: Select a tanning salon that is convenient and easily accessible for you. Consider the distance from your home or workplace.
  2. Cleanliness and Hygiene: Visit the salon before committing to tanning there. Ensure the facility is clean, well-maintained, and follows proper hygiene practices.
  3. Reputation and Reviews: Research online reviews and ask for recommendations from friends or family to gauge the salon’s reputation and customer satisfaction.
  4. Staff Knowledge and Training: The salon staff should be knowledgeable about tanning practices, equipment, and safety guidelines. They should be able to provide guidance and answer any questions you have.
  5. Equipment Maintenance: How often the tanning beds are serviced and replaced? Well-maintained equipment is essential for a safe and effective tanning experience.
  6. Pricing and Packages: Compare pricing and package options. Some salons offer discounts for multiple sessions or memberships. Ensure there are no hidden fees.
  7. Consultation: A reputable salon should offer a consultation before your first session. They should assess your skin type and tanning goals and recommend appropriate times.
  8. Safety Measures: Check if the salon follows safety regulations and provides protective eyewear. They should have clear guidelines for tanning session durations.
Choosing A Tanning Salon And Bed Type?

Choosing A Tanning Bed Type:

  1. Traditional vs. Stand-Up Bed: Decide between a conventional horizontal tanning bed or a stand-up booth. Stand-up beds might offer more even tanning, while standard beds provide a more relaxed experience.
  2. UVB and UVA Beds: UVB beds produce more Vitamin D but carry a higher risk of burning. UVA beds are less likely to cause burns but may take longer to achieve a tan.
  3. Bulb Strength: Inquire about the bulbs’ strength and type used in the tanning beds. Newer beds often use more advanced bulbs for better results.
  4. Tanning Lotions: Some beds are designed to work with specific tanning lotions. Inquire if the salon offers these lotions and whether they are included or need to be purchased separately.
  5. Skin Type and Goals: Consider your skin type and tanning goals. Fair skin may require shorter sessions, while darker skin can tolerate more prolonged exposure.
  6. Facial Tanners: Some beds include specialized facial tanners. If you’re interested in tanning your face, inquire about this feature.
  7. Cooling Features: Newer beds may have cooling features to enhance comfort during tanning.
  8. Consultation with Salon Staff: Discuss your tanning preferences, skin type, and goals with the salon staff. They can recommend a suitable bed type based on your needs.

Remember, moderation is vital to safe tanning. Please consult the salon staff and follow their guidelines for tanning session durations. Prioritize your skin’s health and safety throughout the tanning process.

Preparing Your Skin:

Preparing your skin before using a tanning bed ensures a safe and effective tanning experience. Proper skin preparation can help you achieve a more even tan and reduce the risk of skin damage. Here are some steps to take before tanning:

  1. Exfoliation: Gently exfoliate your skin a day before your tanning session. Exfoliation helps remove dead skin cells, allowing for a more even tan. Avoid harsh exfoliants that can irritate your skin.
  2. Hydration: Moisturize your skin regularly leading up to your tanning session. A well-hydrated skin can tan more evenly and is less prone to dryness and peeling.
  3. Avoid Sunburn: Avoid outdoor sun exposure or other forms of UV tanning before your indoor tanning session. Sunburned skin can be more sensitive and prone to damage.
  4. Clean Skin: Ensure your skin is clean and free from lotions, oils, makeup, and perfumes before tanning. These products can create a barrier and interfere with the tanning process.
  5. Remove Makeup: If you wear makeup, remove it before tanning. Makeup can block UV rays and affect the outcome of your tan.
  6. Consider Shaving or Waxing: If you plan to shave or wax, do so at least 24 hours before your tanning session. Tanning on freshly shaved or waxed skin can lead to irritation.
  7. Protective Eyewear: Wear the protective eyewear provided by the tanning salon to shield your eyes from UV radiation.
  8. Remove Jewelry: Take off any jewelry, including rings, necklaces, and bracelets, before tanning to prevent uneven tan lines.
  9. Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water before and after your tanning session to keep your skin hydrated.

Positioning Your Body In The Tanning Bed:

Positioning your body correctly in a tanning bed is essential to ensure an even and effective tanning experience while minimizing the risk of discomfort or uneven tanning. Here are some tips on how to position your body in a tanning bed:

  • Center Yourself: Lie down or stand in the center of the tanning bed to ensure that UV rays are evenly distributed across your body. This helps prevent uneven tanning or tan lines.
  • Extend Limbs: If you’re lying down, extend your arms and legs slightly away from your body. This helps ensure that all parts of your skin receive adequate UV exposure.
  • Keep Limbs Straight: Avoid excessively bending your arms or legs, creating pressure points and uneven tanning. Keep your limbs straight but relaxed.
  • Spread Fingers and Toes: If you’re lying down, gently spread your fingers and toes to allow UV rays to reach the areas between them.
  • Rotate During Session: If you’re in a tanning bed with both sides exposed, consider rotating your body halfway through the session. This can help achieve more even tanning on both sides.
  • Maintain Comfort: While positioning is essential, also prioritize your comfort. Use any provided pillows or cushioning to support your head and neck.
  • Avoid Pressure Points: Make sure no part of your body is pressing against the bed’s surface too firmly, which can lead to discomfort and uneven tanning.

Is it Better to Wear Nothing at All in the Tanning Bed?

Whether to wear clothing or go nude in a tanning bed is a matter of personal preference, and both options have pros and cons. Here’s a balanced overview to help you make an informed choice:

Tanning Nude:


  • Even Tan: Tanning without clothing can result in a more even and seamless tan, as no fabric barriers block UV rays from reaching your skin.
  • Minimized Tan Lines: Going nude can help reduce the appearance of tan lines, which some people find aesthetically appealing.
  • Vitamin D Production: Exposing a larger skin area to UV rays may stimulate vitamin D production, essential for various bodily functions.


  • Increased Sensitivity: Certain areas of your body may be more sensitive to UV radiation, and tanning these areas without protection can lead to sunburn.
  • Hygiene: Tanning beds are shared equipment, so lying directly on the surface without protection might raise hygiene concerns for some individuals.

Wearing Clothing:


  • Protection: Wearing clothing, such as tanning attire or swimwear, can provide some protection for sensitive areas, reducing the risk of sunburn and overexposure.
  • Comfort and Modesty: Clothing can offer comfort and modesty, especially if you’re not comfortable tanning nude.
  • Hygiene: Using a clean towel or clothing barrier can help maintain hygiene and prevent direct contact with the tanning bed.


  • Tan Lines: Wearing clothing can lead to tan lines, which may be noticeable depending on your clothing type.
  • Uneven Tan: Clothing may create jagged tan lines or hinder UV rays from reaching your skin in certain areas, resulting in an uneven tan.

Ultimately, the choice depends on your comfort level, tanning goals, and hygiene and skin health concerns. Regardless of your decision, it’s important to follow recommended tanning guidelines, protect your eyes with the eyewear provided, and prioritize skin safety.

If you need more clarification, you can always consult with the staff at the tanning salon for guidance tailored to your preferences and needs.

Why Should You Wear a Shower Towel in the Tanning Bed?

Why Should You Wear a Shower Towel in the Tanning Bed?

Wearing a shower towel in the tanning bed is a practice that some individuals choose for various reasons. However, it’s important to note that using a towel in a tanning bed may be a different practice than using a towel in a tanning bed. Here are some reasons why someone might consider wearing a towel in a tanning bed and some factors to keep in mind:

  1. Hygiene: Placing a clean towel on the tanning bed can create a barrier between your body and the surface, helping to maintain hygiene and reduce direct contact with shared equipment.
  2. Comfort: Some people find that using a towel provides a more comfortable surface than the tanning bed’s surface.
  3. Modesty: Wearing a towel can provide a sense of humility for individuals who may feel more comfortable with some level of coverage during their tanning session.
  4. Sensitivity: If you have sensitive skin or are concerned about direct contact with the tanning bed, using a towel may help minimize potential discomfort.

However, there are important considerations to keep in mind:

  • Towel Thickness: A thick towel may obstruct UV rays and affect the tanning process. If you use a towel, opt for a thin and lightweight one.
  • Towel Placement: Ensure the towel is placed correctly to allow UV rays to reach your skin. Incorrect placement may result in uneven tanning.
  • Tanning Guidelines: If you decide to use a towel, follow the tanning salon’s guidelines and any instructions provided by the staff. They can offer guidance on proper usage and positioning.
  • Salon Policy: Some tanning salons may have policies regarding using towels in tanning beds. Always check with the salon staff to ensure that using a towel is allowed.
  • Alternatives: If your primary concern is hygiene, consider using a clean tanning mat or specialized tanning accessories provided by the salon.

What To Wear After Using A Tanning Bed?

After using a tanning bed, choosing clothing that allows your skin to breathe and minimize any potential irritation is essential. Opt for loose-fitting and breathable clothing to ensure comfort and promote skin health. Light fabrics such as cotton or linen are good choices. Avoid tight or restrictive clothing that can rub against your skin and cause friction or discomfort.

Additionally, consider wearing darker colors to prevent staining from residual tanning lotions or oils. Remember to continue prioritizing your skin’s well-being by staying hydrated and moisturizing your skin with a gentle, non-irritating lotion or after-tan product.


The decision to wear clothes in a tanning bed, “Do you wear clothes on a tanning bed?” ultimately depends on personal comfort, desired tan results, and health considerations.

Both options have their advantages and potential drawbacks. Whether choosing to tan in the nude for a more even tan or wearing minimal clothing for comfort and protection, it’s essential to prioritize skin health and practice proper hygiene when using tanning beds.

Remember, moderation is necessary, and knowing the potential risks associated with excessive UV exposure is essential.