As the year 2024 dawns upon us, pursuing that sun-kissed glow becomes a perennial trend. Whether lounging poolside, frolicking on a sandy beach, or soaking up rays in the backyard, tanning remains a coveted pastime for many sun-seekers. Yet, with an ever-growing concern for skin health and the damaging effects of ultraviolet (uv) rays, finding the perfect position for tanning becomes crucial. So, what position is best for tanning? Let’s explore the various options and the most effective and safe ways to achieve that sunlit radiance.

What Position Is Best For Tanning? In 2024

The best position for tanning largely depends on your comfort level, skin type, and the amount of sunlight exposure you want to achieve. However, there are a few key positions that can optimize your tanning experience:

  1. On Your Back: Lying on your back with your face upward allows for an even distribution of sunlight across your body. This position is ideal for achieving an overall tan on the front side of your body.
  2. On Your Stomach: Flipping over onto your stomach is a great way to tan the backside of your body, including your back, buttocks, and legs. It can also help to avoid potential tan lines from swimwear straps or bikini bottoms.
  3. Side-Lying: Tanning on your side can be beneficial for targeting specific areas that might not tan as easily. It also allows for better tanning of your sides and oblique muscles.
  4. Repositioning Regularly: If you’re tanning for an extended period, moving regularly to ensure even sun exposure and prevent uneven tan lines is essential.
  5. Using Props: Utilizing props like beach chairs or reclining lounge chairs can help you adjust your body’s position for optimal sun exposure without straining yourself.
  6. Sunscreen and Shade: Always apply sunscreen with appropriate SPF to protect your skin from harmful UV rays regardless of your preferred tanning position. Additionally, consider taking breaks in the shade to prevent overexposure and reduce the risk of sunburn.
  7. Early Morning or Late Afternoon: Tanning during the early morning or late afternoon can be safer and more comfortable as the sun’s rays are less intense compared to peak hours around noon.

What Tanning Bed Lying Position Is Best To Get An Even Tan?

Adopting the proper laying position is crucial to achieve an even tan in a tanning bed. Tanning beds are designed to emit UV rays evenly across your body. Still, certain situations can help maximize exposure to specific areas. Here’s the best laying position to get an even tan in a tanning bed:

  1. Arms and Legs Slightly Bent: To ensure an even tan on your arms and legs, slightly bend your elbows and knees. This will help expose the front and back of these limbs to UV rays, preventing uneven tanning.
  2. Raise Your Head Slightly: Consider placing a small towel or tanning pillow under your head to lift it slightly. This can help avoid the formation of creases on the back of your neck and ensure consistent tanning across your upper body.
  3. Halfway Turn: After spending half of the recommended tanning time on your back, you can gently turn over to your stomach. Make sure to center yourself in bed again.
  4. On Your Stomach: Lying on your stomach allows the UV rays to reach the backside of your body, including your back, buttocks, and legs. Just like on your back, bend your elbows and knees slightly to ensure even tanning on these areas.
  5. Repositioning: Throughout your tanning session, consider repositioning yourself every few minutes to prevent any potential unevenness.

Why Does Proper Lying Position In A Tanning Bed Matter?

Proper lying position in a tanning bed matters for the following reasons:

  1. Even Tan: The proper position ensures UV rays reach all areas of your body, promoting an even and uniform tan.
  2. Avoid Tan Lines: Proper positioning helps minimize the risk of tan lines caused by uneven exposure.
  3. Consistent Tanning: Ensuring all body parts receive adequate exposure helps maintain consistent results.
  4. Prevent Overexposure: Correct positioning reduces the risk of overexposing certain areas, preventing sunburn.
  5. Maximize Results: Proper lying position optimizes the tanning process, enhancing the overall effectiveness of your session.
  6. Skin Health: Even tanning reduces the risk of skin damage and premature aging caused by uneven UV exposure.

Following the recommended laying positions can achieve a safer and more satisfying tanning experience in the tanning bed.

How To Ensure All Parts Of Your Body Get The Same Tan?

Getting an even tan across all body parts requires careful planning and sun exposure management. Here are some steps to help you ensure that all aspects of your body get the same tan:

  1. Exfoliate: Before working on your tan, exfoliate your skin to remove dead skin cells. This will create a smooth surface for an even tan.
  2. Use Sunscreen: Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a suitable SPF level to shield your skin from harmful UV rays. This is essential for safeguarding against sunburn and preventing potential long-term skin harm.
  3. Rotate Positions: When sunbathing, regularly change your body’s position. If you’re lying down, switch from your back to your stomach and vice versa. This will help different areas of your body receive equal sun exposure.
  4. Time Management: Divide your sunbathing time into equal intervals for different body parts. For example, you could spend 15 minutes on your back, then 15 minutes on your stomach, and continue alternating.
  5. Clothing: Wear minimal, lightweight clothing that exposes the areas you want to tan evenly. However, ensure you adhere to local laws and customs regarding public decency.
  6. Use Mirrors: If you’re sunbathing in your backyard, position mirrors to reflect sunlight onto different parts of your body.
  7. Tanning Products: Consider using self-tanning lotions or sprays to even out your tan without extended sun exposure. These products can help you control the level of tan you want on different body parts.
  8. Avoid Peak Sun Hours: The sun’s rays are strongest between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Try to tan earlier or later in the afternoon to reduce the risk of sunburn and overexposure.
  9. Hydration: Ensure adequate water intake to maintain your skin’s hydration and well-being, promoting a smoother and more consistent tan.
  10. Be Patient: Achieving an even tan takes time. Rushing the process can lead to sunburn or uneven results. Gradually build up your sun exposure.
  11. Consult a Professional: If you want precise control over your tan, consider consulting a professional tanning salon or dermatologist who can safely guide you in achieving an even tan.
How To Ensure All Parts Of Your Body Get The Same Tan?

What Position Is Best For Tanning? 2024 [ Detailed Analysis]

The best tanning position depends on your comfort, your desired tan, and your body’s natural contours. Here’s a detailed analysis of different tanning positions and their pros and cons:

Back Tanning:

Pros: Tanning your back is a common and accessible position. It minimizes direct sun exposure to your face and can help avoid squinting.

Cons: This position may result in uneven tan lines if not rotated frequently. It also doesn’t expose your front and sides equally.

Stomach Tanning:

Pros: Tanning your stomach allows exposure to your front and sides. It can help reduce tan lines from swimsuits.

Cons: It may lead to discomfort or pressure points on your stomach or chest. It can also result in tan lines on your back.

Side Tanning:

Pros: Tanning on your side can help avoid tan lines from swimsuit straps and provide even exposure to your sides and back.

Cons: You may need to switch sides frequently to ensure an even tan. Pressure points

Prone (Face Down) Tanning:

Pros: Tanning face down can help reduce tan lines on your back and achieve a more even overall tan.

Cons: It can strain your neck and may lead to discomfort. You may also need to rotate positions to tan your front evenly.

Supine (Face Up) Tanning:

Pros: Tanning while lying face up ensures uniform sun exposure across your front and reduces strain on the neck.

Cons: You might develop tan lines where your arms and legs bend. Direct sun exposure to your face can also cause squinting.

Bikini/Bathing Suit Variations:

Pros: Wearing different styles of bikinis or swimsuits can create unique tan lines and patterns.

Cons: Complex tan lines may be harder to manage and even out. Sure, swimsuits may block the sun from specific areas.

Nude Tanning:

Pros: Tanning without any clothing can help achieve an all-over even tan.

Cons: It’s essential to be mindful of local laws and privacy. Sunscreen should still be applied to protect sensitive areas.

Changing Positions:

Pros: Regularly changing positions can help achieve an even tan and reduce the risk of discomfort or sunburn.

Cons: It requires more effort and may only suit some, especially those with mobility issues.

Be Aware Of The Tanning Procedure:

Indeed, being aware of the tanning procedure is crucial for a safe and effective tanning experience. Here’s a detailed paragraph outlining the steps and considerations for a proper tanning procedure:

Before initiating the tanning procedure, preparing your skin adequately is vital. Begin by exfoliating your skin to eliminate dead cells, creating a smooth surface for an even tan. Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an appropriate SPF to shield your skin from detrimental UV rays. Opt for a comfortable and practical tanning position. Consider using items like beach chairs or umbrellas to shade specific areas while strategically exposing others.

Regularly change your position to ensure balanced sun exposure on various body parts. This practice helps avert uneven tan lines and excessive exposure in one region. Timing is crucial; aim to tan early or late in the afternoon to circumvent the peak sun hours when UV rays are most potent. Maintain hydration by drinking ample water during the tanning session to promote skin health and reduce the risk of dehydration.

Lastly, prioritize your skin’s well-being. If you observe signs of sunburn, such as redness or discomfort, promptly seek shelter and apply soothing lotions or aloe vera to alleviate the symptoms. Prolonged sun exposure without proper protection can accelerate premature aging and heighten the potential for skin cancer. Therefore, make your skin’s health a priority throughout the tanning process.

For those who prefer a controlled tan without sun exposure, consider using self-tanning lotions, creams, or professional spray tanning services. These alternatives provide a safer way to achieve your desired skin tone without the potential risks of prolonged sun exposure.

No Need For The Pillow:

You are using a pillow while tanning is a matter of personal preference. Some individuals find using a pad to support their head and neck more comfortable, especially when lying on their back. A pillow can help reduce strain and discomfort during longer tanning sessions.

However, it’s optional for everyone. If you’re comfortable without a cushion and can maintain a relaxed position, there’s no strict need to use one. Just ensure you’re protecting your skin with sunscreen, staying hydrated, and following safe tanning practices to achieve your desired tan while minimizing the risk of sunburn or overexposure.

What Position Is Best For Tanning? 2022 [ Detailed Analysis]

Pick Up Your Legs:

  • Lifting your legs while tanning can help expose hard-to-reach areas.
  • It can reduce tan lines around the edges of swimsuits or clothing.
  • Elevating your legs can improve blood circulation and comfort.
  • Make sure to support your legs with a towel or prop for relaxation.
  • Remember to apply sunscreen to all exposed areas, including elevated legs.
  • Consider alternating leg positions for even sun exposure.
  • Avoid straining your muscles; adjust your leg elevation as needed.
  • Incorporate this technique while lying on your back or stomach for balanced tanning.

Stretching Out:

Stretching out while tanning can have both physical and tanning-related benefits. Here’s a quick overview:

  1. Improved Exposure: Stretching your limbs can help expose hard-to-reach areas, ensuring a more even tan.
  2. Reduced Tan Lines: By stretching, you can minimize the risk of uneven tan lines caused by folded skin or clothing.
  3. Comfort: Stretching promotes relaxation and can help alleviate muscle tension or discomfort during tanning.
  4. Blood Circulation: Stretching can enhance blood circulation, which benefits your overall well-being and skin health.
  5. Position Variation: Incorporating stretching into your tanning routine can be a simple way to switch up your position, helping to achieve a balanced tan.
  6. Flexibility: Regular stretching can improve overall flexibility, making your tanning experience more enjoyable.

Tips To Lay In A Tanning Bed To Ensure Good Results:

Laying in a tanning bed requires careful positioning and preparation to achieve desirable tanning results while minimizing risks. Here are some tips to help you make the most of your tanning bed session:

  1. Cleanse and Exfoliate: Before your tanning session, cleanse your skin thoroughly to remove any lotions, oils, or makeup. Exfoliate to get rid of dead skin cells, ensuring an even tan.
  2. Moisturize: Apply a hypoallergenic, non-oil-based moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated. Dry skin can lead to uneven tanning results.
  3. Use Protective Eyewear: Always wear the provided FDA-approved protective eyewear to shield your eyes from the UV rays emitted by the tanning bed.
  4. Choose the Right Bed: Different tanning beds have varying levels of UV intensity. Consult the salon staff to select a bed that matches your skin type and tanning goals.
  5. Positioning: Lie flat on your back with your arms slightly away from your body and your legs relaxed. This allows for an even distribution of UV rays. Consider changing positions halfway through your session to ensure balanced tanning.
  6. Rotate: Gently rotate your body from side to side during your session to ensure all areas receive equal exposure.
  7. Breathe: Breathe normally and avoid holding your breath. This can help your chest and abdomen tan more evenly.
  8. Follow Time Guidelines: Adhere to the recommended tanning time for your skin type and the specific bed you’re using. Overexposure can lead to sunburn and skin damage.
  9. Posture: Keep your limbs relaxed and avoid tensing your muscles. This helps reduce the risk of pressure points and uneven tanning.
  10. Monitor Your Skin: Pay attention to how your skin reacts during and after tanning. End your session immediately if you notice discomfort, redness, or irritation.
  11. Limit Frequency: Avoid tanning too frequently, as excessive UV exposure can damage your skin. Allow your skin time to recover between sessions.
  12. Sunscreen for Face: If you prefer not to tan your face, apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen before your tanning bed session and use a towel to cover it.
  13. Post-Tan Care: After your session, moisturize your skin to lock in hydration. Avoid taking hot showers immediately afterward, as they can dehydrate your skin.
  14. Consult a Professional: If you’re new to tanning beds or have specific skin concerns, consider consulting a dermatologist before starting tanning sessions.

Position #1. Spreading Your Arms:

Positioning your arms correctly while tanning can provide an even and comfortable experience. Here are some points for placing your arms during tanning:

  • Spread your arms slightly away from your body to allow UV rays to evenly reach all upper body areas.
  • Avoid crossing your arms, creating uneven tan lines, and blocking UV exposure.
  • Keep your arms relaxed and avoid tensing your muscles to prevent pressure points.
  • If tanning your sides, raise your arms slightly to ensure even tanning along your sides and underarms.
  • Change arm positions occasionally to ensure balanced sun exposure on both sides.
  • Apply sunscreen to your arms to protect your skin from UV damage.
  • Be mindful of your comfort and adjust your arm positions as needed throughout your tanning session.

Position #2. Tanning Your Stomach Area:

Tanning your stomach can help you achieve an even tan all over your body. Here are some tips for tanning your stomach area effectively:

  • Lie on your back with your stomach facing up to expose your abdominal area to the UV rays.
  • Keep your legs straight or slightly bent at the knees for a comfortable and relaxed position.
  • Consider placing a small towel or cushion under your lower back for comfort and support.
  • To avoid pressure points, periodically shift your legs and slightly adjust your upper body position.
  • Ensure your stomach area is adequately covered with sunscreen to prevent overexposure and sunburn.
  • If you’re wearing a swimsuit or clothing, adjust the fabric to ensure your stomach is fully exposed to the tanning lights.
  • If using a tanning bed, follow the recommended time guidelines for your skin type and the specific mattress.
  • If tanning outdoors, be mindful of the sun’s intensity, and consider using a sunshade or umbrella to provide partial shade to your face and upper body while tanning your stomach.
  • Hydrate properly before and after your tanning session to maintain healthy skin and overall well-being.
  • Listen to your body, adjust your position, or end your tanning session if you experience discomfort or irritation.
Tips To Lay In A Tanning Bed To Ensure Good Results

Position #3. Laying Sideways:

Tanning while lying sideways can help you achieve an even tan on your sides and reduce tan lines from swimsuits or clothing. Here’s how to effectively position yourself for a comfortable and balanced tanning experience:

  • Begin by lying on your back and gently rolling onto one side, keeping your legs straight.
  • Extend one arm above your head and the other along your body to expose your side to UV rays.
  • Keep your head in a neutral position, and consider using a small pillow or towel to support your neck and maintain comfort.
  • If tanning outdoors, use a beach chair or lounger for side tanning to provide optimal support.
  • To ensure even exposure, switch sides periodically, moving your arms and legs slightly to reach different angles.
  • Pay attention to any pressure points that may arise and adjust your position accordingly.
  • Apply sunscreen generously to the exposed side of your body to protect your skin from UV damage.
  • If your tanning session is in a bed, follow the recommended time guidelines for your skin type and the specific bed you use.


In the ever-present pursuit of a sun-kissed glow, tanning has evolved into a timeless tradition. With changing times and growing concerns about skin health, finding the optimal tanning position has gained importance. The question “What position is best for tanning?” lingers, and as we venture into 2024, the answer becomes all the more crucial.

Embracing the sun’s warmth or opting for controlled tanning methods like tanning beds requires careful consideration. The choice of tanning position ultimately hinges on comfort, skin type, and desired tan results. The diverse array of tanning positions offers various advantages and considerations, ensuring there’s a suitable option for everyone.

While basking in the sun’s rays, adhering to guidelines such as regular repositioning, protective eyewear, and proper hydration can enhance the tanning experience while minimizing risks. For those favoring tanning beds, thoughtful positioning and preparation can ensure an even tan. At the same time, proper post-tan care preserves the skin’s well-being.

As we navigate the art of tanning, remember that moderation and mindfulness are key. Regardless of the chosen method or position, safeguarding skin health remains paramount. Tanning can be a delightful and rewarding pursuit, offering a radiant exterior. Yet, in the grand tapestry of life, it’s essential to prioritize our skin’s long-term health and resilience.